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If you're a legacy CW member

and want to look something up or connect with an old forum friend... Here's a link to the old site. We'll have this up for a bit

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  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)


    Sorry I missed this! Great points!!

  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)


    Some initial thoughts and/or forum suggestions:

    1) Consider adding a webmaster group (or something similar to the old: "Chat With GCC" area, where we can add questions and suggestions, such as what I'm writing).

    2) Consider adding the option to be able to direct a message, or "tag a friend" such as I tried to do at the top of this post.

    3) Please add the ability to post photos (not just a GIF) in post/thread comments. I was about to write up a post (several, in fact) requesting photos from others...until I looked and realized that we do not have that option. Without that ability, we are limited. This is important!

    4) Consider adding the ability to "Like" actual comments, not just the initial post.

    5) I second DMofCW's comments!

    6) I understand this site is fresh, so I thank you and whatever team is behind it...for all that you do!

  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)

    Will this new site have a posts counter and/or “participation level” indicator of some kind again? That way, newbies know who has the best advice, and progression as gamification encourages more participation.

    • Member Avatar og
      (5 years ago)

      Or, assuming this is true, so participants can know that you are CW’s “Moderator”.

  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)
