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Doomsayer (6x55)

This stick is new to me, apparently by Room101.

Lots of tobacco, wood, cedar... ash is very grey-black & flaky.

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    (5 years ago)

    My Doomsayer cigar from yesterday was from Room101. Not sure who gave it to me, but it was pretty good. I remember mostly tobacco & woodsy/cedar flavors/aromas, plus something else I couldn't wrap my brain around.

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      (5 years ago)

      It sounds good. I haven’t had this particular stick, but have a Room 101 waiting to be smoked, although for the life of me, I can’t remember which one. Something I haven’t tried yet.....

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      (5 years ago)

      Glad you liked it. I picked up a bunch at a Room101/Matt Booth event at the local B&M last August. Smoked the Doomsayer at the event and needed more.