I'm getting ready to try these. I'm a "square cigar guy" regularly. Currently holding Brazilias in the box press. The $ is right by my price point. Have you smoked them?!
I'm getting ready to try these. I'm a "square cigar guy" regularly. Currently holding Brazilias in the box press. The $ is right by my price point. Have you smoked them?!
3 Pat G
(4 years ago)Looking forward to trying this #spanishpress !
1 kbarney
(4 years ago)Been a fan of La Gloria offerings for a LONG time. GREAT quality at a good price no matter the series.. and this is no different. Enjoy!
3 captcl
(5 years ago)Thanks!
3 captcl
(5 years ago)Thanks!
4 Stogi Boi
(5 years ago)No one has commented on this page yet.