One of my cigar buddies has been singing the praises of the Black for months. Maybe it's time to buy one and fire it up.
(4 months ago)
Yes, it will not disappoint.
(4 months ago)
I find the black to be simply perfect. Simply… no complexity or transitions… none needed the flavors from start to finish carry that cigar across the finish line 👍🏻
100 Bear On The Air
(4 months ago)One of my cigar buddies has been singing the praises of the Black for months. Maybe it's time to buy one and fire it up.
4 Lambo
(4 months ago)Yes, it will not disappoint.
100 shortstackz
(4 months ago)I find the black to be simply perfect. Simply… no complexity or transitions… none needed the flavors from start to finish carry that cigar across the finish line 👍🏻
4 Lambo
(4 months ago)I agree, its simple
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