New here, but like what I’ve seen so far. Sitting on the back porch, enjoying an Arturo Fuente Hemingway, short story and a nice glass of bourbon.

New here, but like what I’ve seen so far. Sitting on the back porch, enjoying an Arturo Fuente Hemingway, short story and a nice glass of bourbon.
3 flyfishercacher
(15 months ago)Newer than you and I completely agree with your modus operandi. I don't have to rush any longer. Every afternoon I sit on my porch with a drink (mostly Bourbon), a book (mostly on Kindle), and a cigar (mostly ??). When the glass is almost empty and the cigar is mostly ash, my mind just wanders, mostly over wonders. I wonder if God does this every day?
5 Little Joe Hobbit
(14 months ago)The good Lord, intended for us to enjoy our lives, and live it to the fullest every day so a good glass of bourbon and a nice cigar is a good way to do that.
5 “p”
(15 months ago)Finest smoke from Tampa Bay I’ve been blessed to live in Tampa and be so close to sweet hearts in ybor
Cigar World
(15 months ago)Welcome to Cigar World! Glad to have you join the community! 🙌
100 shortstackz
(15 months ago)Welcome!
100 chipc73
(15 months ago)Welcome!
100 TommyH2sT
(15 months ago)Great ash
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