I'm pretty certain I've joined every group on this website and I haven't seen an Alec Bradley or E.P. Carrillo group yet. And I really have no idea how to leave a group. I even checked account settings. Maye it's like the mob - once you're in there's no getting out.
100 Tomygun
(17 months ago)All kidding aside there is an Alec Bradly group
13 All American
(17 months ago)I'm pretty certain I've joined every group on this website and I haven't seen an Alec Bradley or E.P. Carrillo group yet. And I really have no idea how to leave a group. I even checked account settings. Maye it's like the mob - once you're in there's no getting out.
100 Tomygun
(17 months ago)You can never leave mmuuuaaahhhhhh
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