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Montecristo 1935 Anniversary

Smoked: Montecristo 1935 Anniversary

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary toro is a rich. Bold, full bodied box-pressed Nicaraguan with a slightly oily, dark brown wrapper with a number of prominent veins under the seams. You’ve got to love the band – black and gold, very stately looking.

Oak, spice, roasted almonds, earthy leather, dark roast coffee, chocolate/cocoa/milk shake-like notes The coffee and chocolaty taste was certainly enhanced by pairing it with a glazed chocolate donut and a cup of coffee. Montecristo runs on Dunkin’. There were brief notes of vegetal and bread or toast. There for a puff or two, gone in a flash. The retrohale: mild pepper, earthy and leathery.

Perfect draw, a generous smoke output, the burn line went a little off kilter during the last third – a minor touchup corrected it. Other than that, big points for construction.

The flavors balanced nicely with good complexity. This cigar was rich, bold, medium-full to full bodied, yet subtle enough not to overwhelm the palate. For a medium-full bodied cigar, I found it medium strength (although it has been marketed as full or med-full strength). Usually with a cigar this bold, I’m buzzin’ by the final third. There were enough flavors, transitions and balance to keep me interested start to finish. A very enjoyable smoke. AJ does it again!

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