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Has your smoking increased/decreased because of COVID-19?

Mine has definitely increased 1-2/day with staying at home, since I'm able to start smoking anytime during the day.

Stay healthy!

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    (5 years ago)

    Decreased because I had a stroke in jan 2019 and diabetic. Plus I'm at ground zero and my son is a volunteer fireman responding to 5 to 10 avoid cases a day

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    (5 years ago)

    I’ve increased. Used to do 1-2 a week, now doing 3-4.

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    (5 years ago)

    Mine has increased with more time around the house

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    (5 years ago)

    Ugh! Smoking way too much. I usually have 3-5 a day if I'm around the house. Now that I can't leave at all it's jumped to 5 to 10 a day. As Davisfurni used to say "I'm growing fur on my tongue". I gotta slow down.

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    (5 years ago)

    Mine is about the same. I’m away from my main humidor, and have burned thru my travel humidor sticks. So getting desperate!!

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    (5 years ago)

    Increased. I generally have a cigar every evening, but now I am having one every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon while watching the Livestreaming of Fonner Park horse racing.