Welcome to the I'd Tap That Cigar Show Presented by Corona Cigar.

I'm your host Kevin Shahan and I am coming to you live from the Drew Estate Experience Acid Studios in Florida.

Our guest tonight is Brad Reith of Zeal Cigars.
You can find Brad Reith at:
Instagram at →https://www.instagram.com/crookedbeardaz/?hl=en
Instagram at →https://www.instagram.com/zeal.teamsix/?hl=en
Facebook at →https://www.facebook.com/groups/zealcigarsteamsix/
Online →https://zealcigars.com/
YouTube →https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeSsVr4q8Gf0gtftQDjgZZg

Thank you to our sponsors:

Corona Cigar → http://bit.ly/3cDksE3
IG →https://www.instagram.com/coronacigarco

Drew Estate → https://drewestate.com
IG →https://www.instagram.com/drewestatecigar

J.C. Newman → https://www.jcnewman.com

Amendola → http://bit.ly/3taR8KO
IG →www.instagram.com/amendolafamilycigars

Excelsior Tobacco → http://bit.ly/3t5RLoZ
IG →https://www.instagram.com/excelsiortobacco

CigarMedics → www.cigarmedics.com
IG →https://www.instagram.com/cigarmedics

Simpler Beard Dye → http://bit.ly/SimplerBeard
Use Code kesh1020 for 20% off your order.

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#cigar #cigarprop #cigarpodcast

Thanks for watching the I'd Tap That Cigar Show presented by Corona Cigar, featuring Brad Reith of Zeal Cigars.

Remember to Tap Ash and Take Names.

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