"Even though the draw was tighter than ideal for the first third and the lineup of flavors doesn't match what I typically reach for when choosing what to smoke, this cigar was immensely enjoyable! I am quite fond of this particular vitola as the change in ring gauge and proportions of binder, filler, and wrapper all but guarantees an interesting progression or transition of flavors that I tend to think of as a story the blender is telling through the leaves. Not only did the profile of flavors build upon one another from start to finish but so did the strength which is always a plus in my book. After a bit of a slow start, this cigar truly shined in the latter two-thirds when the flavors were most balanced, complex, and robust. The smoke was incredibly smooth throughout and the flavors were clearly defined which always makes for a nice experience as I don't have to think too much about what I am smoking. This is exactly the kind of smoke I like when I am deep in a great conversation amongst great friends." -Noah S. (Noah)

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