Ha. My inside sources are telling me that Mr. Punch is working on something big - at least big for a 9" tall wooden bobblehead. Expect something in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more.
(5 years ago)
Jamoose, I think I joined the Punch Brotherhood, but how do I tell for sure.
(5 years ago)
If you have joined this group, you are in. If you want to be extra 100% sure, head over to http://punchcigars.com/cave/join
13 nighthawk
(5 years ago)Ha. My inside sources are telling me that Mr. Punch is working on something big - at least big for a 9" tall wooden bobblehead. Expect something in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more.
4 Gemini
(5 years ago)Jamoose, I think I joined the Punch Brotherhood, but how do I tell for sure.
6 Moose
(5 years ago)If you have joined this group, you are in. If you want to be extra 100% sure, head over to http://punchcigars.com/cave/join
4 Gemini
(5 years ago)Thanks
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