Education Tag Cigar Care

Cigar World’s Guide to Cigar Humidity
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Cigars 101
Newcomers to the cigar community often find out the hard way that poor humificiation can ruin even the most decadent cigar. Unlike other luxury products like high-end whiskey, for example, cigars must be stored in a specialized container called a humidor. Properly maintained humidors regulate temperature and humidity in a controlled environment, and they allow cigar lovers to safely store their favorite smokes for years (or even decades).
An Expert Guide To Cigar Mold
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Cigars 101
For any cigar lovers out there, there’s nothing more heartbreaking than staring into your humidor to find your precious cigars staring back with some mysterious white or green substance clinging to the wrapper.
Is it our worst nightmare, cigar mold? Or is it something less threatening like plume? That’s what we’re here to answer.
So, before you decide it’s mold and start throwing all your cigars to the trash, check out this blog so you can 100% know if you’ve got a serious problem, or just some cigar plume.
Your Complete Guide To Cigar Beetles
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Cigars 101
Your complete guide to understanding cigar beetles.
How to Store your Cigars: Cellophane vs. no Cellophane
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How Tos
It’s common knowledge that many cigar brands package their individual cigars in cellophane within each respective box. This begs the question: Should I keep my cigars in cellophane?
Here’s what some of the Cigar World’s top brand ambassadors, Sean Williams, Laurel Tilley, and Rick Rodriguez, have to say.
How To Calibrate Your Hygrometer
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How Tos
Store your cigars in confidence. Learn how to calibrate your hygrometer and keep your humidor at the correct humidity.
How to Fix a Cigar Wrapper
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How Tos
Learn how to fix a broken cigar wrapper. To repair it, you'll need some acacia powder or pectin, and also a 'patch', a small piece of donor tobacco, perhaps from the cigar stub of a similar blend. To make thecigar wrapper repair, simply apply the acacia or pectin to the patch, paste it over the crack and wait for it to dry.
How to Select your First Humidor
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How Tos
Discover how to select your first humidor. Learn about selecting the proper humidor for your cigar collection.
Cigar World’s Guide to Rehydrating Cigars
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How Tos
Like most good things in life, cigars need a little maintenance occasionally. As you may already know, leaving cigars outside a controlled, properly humidified environment can lead to them drying out and becoming stale. Thankfully, you can still rejuvenate most cigars and restore them to (almost) ideal condition by following a few simple steps.