Cigar Reviewed: Room 101 Farce Connecticut

Smoked at: Minnesota

As Connecticut shade-wrapped cigars go, this seems pretty standard. It draws very open and produces a lot of smoke. Wrapper looks very nice, with delicate veins and a clean cap. Flavor is, as advertised, creamy and nutty with a little pluckiness — probably sneaking out of the Nicaraguan portion of the filler.

Opens up a little bland and acrid, but taste mellows and merges better after a half inch or so. Hmmm... Maybe I'm liking this blend better than I thought I would as we get into the middle third. Flaky pastry notes cut in. Is that a hint of apricot? Burn has evened out from early waviness and is pretty even. Construction is proving solid. No peeling or cracking and the cap ring is holding tight. Over an inch of white ash showing no signs of flowering, flaking, or falling off, and is straight as an arrow.

Well into the middle third, smoke production remains strong but burn rate continues to be moderate. Exhaled smoke is slightly yellowish and composed of stringy, dancing web-like twists. Tasting some of that punchy, peppery tobacco again. Ash is holding strong and showing no signs of falling off unprovoked. A surprising amount of nicotine is present for a mellower blend. As we approach the first label the ash starts to bend and I release it with a gentle tap.

I'm not a Connecticut shade lover, but I'm enjoying this a little more than I'd expected to. The aftertaste remains a little more sharp-edged and dry on the tongue than I'd prefer. Wishing I was pairing this with a cold beer and not warm black coffee. A wheat ale or saison would be nice. Pepper has muted again as we approach the home stretch.

The waxy matte paper they chose for the labels is brilliant. The thin ring opened up and popped off effortlessly. Nothing more annoying than fighting with the narrow band on a double-labeled cigar that doesn't want to come off while you try not to squeeze the body and force a wrapper split. The main label was even easier to remove. Bravo.

Well, now. This guy is more complex than I was willing to expect. We're getting into a nice, crusty Tuscan bread flavor here. I want to chase it with a shot of melted butter. I think I've officially been won over. I continue to be surprised that it's kicking out so much smoke and not burning like a gasoline-soaked Sears catalog. Taste remains bready but dry. A crouton? Really wishing I'd grabbed a beer.

Smoke is warming up with about an inch to go and a slight sweetness has presented itself. The smoke is a little thicker now and lingers before dissipating. I go for a beer. If I played golf, I think this would be a good cigar for the 19th hole. Maybe a pontoon boat.

The closing notes are a little thicker and cling to the middle of the tongue. The draw is warm but not hot. Smoke is full with no harshness. I was right, this beer tastes great after a pull. I really enjoyed this cigar. Wouldn't hesitate to buy again. Nice work.



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