Welcome to the Tim Rollins channel and my review of the Southern Draw Manzanita Toro.

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Blog post of review: https://tinytimblog.blogspot.com/2021/07/southern-draw-manzanita-toro-6-x-52.html

(Description taken from Halfwheel.com website)
Late last year, Southern Draw released a blend that was created to pay homage to the origins of tobacco itself.

The cigar is named Manzanita—which translates to little apple from Spanish—and while we don’t know where the tobacco comes from, we do know that the wrapper is a habano hybrid leaf, the binder is a habano leaf, and the filler contains pelo de oro, corojo 99, and ligero tobaccos. The regular production line launched in a single 6 x 52 toro vitola priced at $14.99 each packaged in boxes of 10 that are being produced at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A. factory.

According to Southern Draw, the somewhat unusual name came about while Abdel Fernandez, Robert Holt and Sharon Holt, along with members of their respective teams, were inspecting bales of the habano hybrid leaves that would be used for the wrapper and noticed how they had an oily, deep red color, reminiscent of the red bark of a manzanita tree.

“We have long desired to share the history of traditional tobacco and its spiritual importance and then we had an epiphany while working on names for our new cigar release,” said Robert Holt, founder of Southern Draw, in a press release. “Some nostalgic names were thrown around, but, when we saw this leaf, its deep red color, observed the texture, rolled the tabaquiados and smoked them together, there was a unanimous endorsement that Manzanita, meaning ‘little apple’ in Spanish, describing the tiny, apple-like fruit, was perfect.”

Blend and Origin:
Wrapper: Undisclosed (Habano Hybrid)
Binder: Undisclosed (Habano)
Filler: Undisclosed (Pelo de Oro, Corojo 99 & Ligero)
Factory: Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A.
Country of Origin: Nicaragua

Thank you for watching the Tim Rollins review of the Southern Draw Manzanita Toro and subscribe to the blog;

Rating system:
93+ Would buy again
90 would smoke again
85 might smoke again/not buy
Less than 85 would not smoke again

For a great deal on handrolled cigars from Miami and Tampa visit the link below to Cigar Bundles of Miami. Use code TIMROLLINS for 15% off any purchase! Use code TIM25 for 25% off any item in the Tampa Blends section.

You can find me on the social medias here
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tiny_Tim
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timrollins/?hl=en
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Here is a list of a few of the cigar accessories that I use daily.
PerfecDraw Tool: https://amzn.to/2C1iblX
Vertigo lighters: https://amzn.to/33vVQsi
Xikar Xi2 cutter: https://amzn.to/39ZQsPc
Cigar Oasis Plus 3.0: https://amzn.to/2Xy0wd4
Smoke Buddy: https://amzn.to/2XynuRr

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