Rocky Patel Grand Reserve Cigar is Coming to America. Initially blended exclusively for markets outside of the U.S. Undisclosed blend, 2 year aged tobacco. #leemack912 smokes and reviews this cigar

Rocky Patel Grand Reserve Robusto (5 1/2 x 50) — $12 (Box of 10, $120)
Rocky Patel Grand Reserve Toro (6 x 52) — $13 (Box of 10, $130)
Rocky Patel Grand Reserve Sixty (6 x 60) — $14 (Box of 10, $140)

Previously only available in the European market, the Rocky Patel Grand Reserve is now available in the American market. The Rocky Patel Grand Reserve features an undisclosed wrapper binder and filler and is advertised as a medium boded cigar. The Grand Reserve has 2-year aged tobacco. #leeMack912 starts this review sitting on the porch and ends it in the garage as a storm rolls through the review. This cigar was paired with mineral water.
3:33 #leemack912 describes the sizes and MSRP of each size . The aroma of the wrapper is a slightly sweet tobacco with the slightest hint of vanilla and the smell of chocolate fudge on the foot.
This sample has a light draw and thick smoke output upon first light. #leemacks guess on the makeup of this cigar is a Nicaraguan puro as it has a strong black pepper taste and a long finish. Retrohale brings out a slight floral along with a little cinnamon red hot.
9:54 #leemack912 talks about Bethune and the “shoeshine” that is observed while smoking this cigar.
The first third Strength: medium +, Body: Full, Flavor: Full. #leemack912 says this cigar reminds him of a old school cigar with a little more oomph. At this point his guess of a Nicaraguan puro is swayed and he now believes the cigar is mostly Nicaraguan with some Costa Rican or Honduran tobacco.
Moving into the second third the thick smoke continues as the flavor adds a bit of nut to the finish.
16:40 #leemack912 talks about the customer always being right…even when they are wrong.
20:00 #leemack912 discusses his rating system & the cost of bringing a cigar to market.
Moving into the final third #leemack believes again that this cigar is a Nicaraguan puro as the strength ramps up as it moves towards the nub.
25:44 Final rating

Black Cigar Companies

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