On this week's podcast, Nick and Greg smoke two well-known cigars using tobacco from the Dominican Republic, all while discussing their thoughts on the tobacco that comes from that beautiful Caribbean nation. For more information on this topic, go here: https://www.jrcigars.com/blending-room/blog/cigar-podcast/long-ash-podcast-our-thoughts-on-dominican-cigars/

To stay up to date with JR's 50th Anniversary Cigar Releases, go here: https://www.jrcigars.com/blending-room/university/cigar-history/jr-cigars-50th-anniversary-celebration/

For more cigar information and educational videos, view our Blending Room, where you can watch all of our Cigar Reviews, Top Lists, How To’s and much more at https://www.jrcigars.com/blending-room/

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