When one thinks of Cohiba, the mind immediately gravitates towards luxury, almost an essence of something unattainable. Always sought-after.

Cohiba has partnered with Laphroaig Scotch and the Preserve Sporting Club in Richmond Rhode Island to create an absolutely out of this world luxury pop-up cigar and scotch tasting experience.

Tucked away deep in the scenic Preserve forest, you’ll discover this two-hour exclusive experience. The goal is simple, to provide spirit and cigar enthusiasts the opportunity to relax in lavishly-designed tents where no expense has been spared to ensure every guest’s stay is beyond memorable.

Just outside the lavish tents, you’ll notice an inviting outdoor seating area that features Adirondack chairs and warm, cozy fire pit areas for added ambiance during those cooler East Coast evenings.

If you so choose to partake in this experience, you’ll be presented with a specifically curated assortment of Laphroaig scotches and a selection of Cohiba’s finest cigars, including the award-winning Cohiba Royale and Cohiba Black.

If you find yourself a bit famished while enjoying these incredible variations of scotch and cigars, a delicious assortment of charcuterie, chocolate and roasted nuts comes complimentary with the package.

The exclusive tents can be bookable for two hours and for groups ranging up to 16 people. It’s available to Preserve Members, as well as overnight guests and to the general public. Just know that there is a $995.00 food, beverage and cigar minimum that’s charged at the time of booking.

Ready To Relax & Unwind in Luxury?

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