Wouldn’t it be nice to be out on the open water with the wind at your back, the sun overhead, and a box of fine cigars just waiting to be enjoyed on your boat? Enough hypotheticals –– let’s talk about making it happen! We may not be able to help you acquire a boat, but we can help you pick the perfect cigars for any fishing/boating/cruising adventure. So let’s get to it!

CAO Italia

No brand quite travels as well as CAO. CAO has utilized tobacco from the Amazon, Mexico, the USA, Nicaragua, Africa, and, for our first recommendation, Italy. Italia is a medium-bodied, slightly sweet smoke featuring filler tobaccos from the Benevento region of Italy. Consider pairing this exceptional cigar with a Single Malt Scotch to enhance the experience further. 

Gurkha Hudson Bay

Gurkha Hudson Bay is an excellent choice for any trip out to the water, but it’s particularly apt if you’re boating anywhere in Canada (like the Hudson Bay, for instance). With a San Andrés wrapper and a velvety-smooth finish, this cigar will delight you and any of the friends you’re good enough to share them with! We’re partial to the torpedo frontmark, but any size or shape will do. 

Punch Grand Cru

Should you plan on fishing on your boat venture, you’ve got to have a few Punches on board. (For some essential fishing tips, check out this awesome video series.) Our pick? The Punch Grand Cru –– a full-bodied behemoth of flavor that’s critically acclaimed and beloved by fans. 

Breakfast in Portugal

Breakfast in Portugal isn’t your average Connecticut Shade cigar because Room101 isn’t your average cigar brand. Loaded with incredible flavor and adorned with fun, beachy branding, you’ll love waking up to an ocean view with this beautiful smoke –– even if you don’t wind up in Portugal.

Dark Shark

Last but not least, we’re going with Dark Shark: the nautical-themed budget-friendly cigar that offers rich maduro flavor at a price to fit any budget. Let’s just hope these are the only sharks you encounter on the water!

What say you, sea-faring fans of cigars? Did we miss your favorite cigar for boating? Join the conversation by signing up for Cigar World here!