Badge update: Cigar World is happy to announce that we’re rolling out new badges this year! In the coming weeks and months, Cigar World users will have the chance to score special, never-before-released badges for display on their profiles. Of course, we’ll have new badges ready for some of the hottest releases of the year. Indeed, we’ve got badges lined up for some of the most anticipated new cigars hitting the market, including: 


CAO Amazon Basin Extra Añejo Badge

So keep an eye out for new cigars at your favorite store because they very well could have a badge associated with them!

The Double Trouble Badge

Sure, smoking a cigar once is great, but do you know what’s even better? Smoking it twice, naturally! Now you can get rewarded with the Double Trouble badge for reviewing your favorite cigar twice in the same month. We can’t wait to hear how your smoking experience may (or may not) vary from cigar to cigar.

Double Trouble Badge

Other Badges Set for Release

While we can’t reveal all the badges we have slated for release this year, we can tease a few. Here are several badging tips to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure to explore the site! You can pick up a lot of badges for reviewing cigars, but there are special badges for completing other activities on Cigar World too!
  2. Circle key dates in your calendar. Certain days have the potential to unlock secret badges –– so make sure to pay attention to holidays and anniversaries.
  3. Follow us on social media! We always love showing off our Cigar World crew on social media. Plus, we’ll drop a few hints just on our social channels about great new badges you can earn.

Don’t forget that Cigar World already has hundreds of sweet badges you can earn just for smoking, reviewing, and talking about everyone’s favorite pastime: cigars! You can pick up badges for writing reviews, joining groups, or simply commenting on your favorite posts. We can’t wait to hear from you! But enough talk –– it’s time to start leveling up!

Ready to get started? Sign up for Cigar World and earn badges to show off to your friends!