"At first puff, I was certain my experience with this smoke was going to be lackluster and in line with what I get from most Connecticuts. Connecticuts have their time and place. There is certainly a handful that has knocked my socks off, but for a guy who generally reaches for something more full-bodied they are generally the exception and not the rule. I am pleased to say that I was wrong about this stick! What started off as one-dimensional and harsh, subtly transitioned into a smooth and dynamically flavorful cigar. The final third is unequivocally where this stick shined with a rich and meaty flavor that left my mouth watering. Had the first two-thirds echoed the last, it would certainly be a favorite of mine amongst lighter-bodied cigars. Next time I might pair this cigar with a light roast coffee to start my day off right." -Noah S. (Noah)

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